Sunday, August 8, 2010

How Do I Choose My Tattoo?

When choosing a tattoo you have to remember that it is going to be with you for your entire life. You're going to want something meaningful or something that you know will not make you regret your decision.

Top Factors To Think Of While Getting A Tattoo:

1. Location: This is very important while choosing a tattoo. If you are a working man, you might not want it in a location where clients will see and possibly judge you. Also, some places hurt more than others. (For example getting a tattoo on your ribs will hurt more than your upper arm.)

2. Tattoo Parlor. When getting a tattoo, you're going to want to go to a trustworthy tattoo parlor. Knowing a parlor is safe and good is a very important factor. Would you rather go to a known place, or a random stand on a boardwalk for your PERMANANT tattoo?

3. Price: In my opinion, I think price shouldn't be an issue for you. If you are planning on getting ink permanantly drawn on your skin you want to spend a lot for reliable ink. Rather than a cheap price for a tattoo that you'll most likely have to go back to get it redone.

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